It’s a problem every new business has to face: what can you do to make your brand not only stand out but stand the test of time?
Getting strategic is key to success. If longevity is your goal, you can’t simply mimic the tactics of your biggest competitors. For authenticity’s sake, you will have to think outside the box and build your brand from the ground up.
Look to your competitors to find out what others are doing in your space, but play to your strengths to establish true differentiation. Here are some tried-and-true brand-building methods to help you get started in crafting your own unique story.
1. Know and understand your audience
Defining your brand has many layers, including packaging, messaging, and marketing. To be able to craft compelling imagery and proof, you will need to know who you are selling to. If you are bringing a product or service to market that has global potential, you need to consider that as well. Cultural differences often require different tactics. Find out who your target market is and speak to them and them only. Be consistent and reach out to them over and over again.
2. Your competition is not the enemy
In most industries, there is a leader that can easily be identified. If you are consistent and strategic in your efforts, you will eventually meet all of the players, up to and including the top dog. Once you set your marketing plan in motion, you will likely convince some people to switch to your brand and suddenly, you will be on everybody’s watch list. Will you be ready to handle that scrutiny? Don’t shy away from this level of competition. If the top brands consider you worthy of watching, you are in a good place. Use your power wisely.
3. Play to your strengths
If you offer added value, versatility, cost savings, better operational efficiency, or any kind of advantage that differentiates you from the rest, put the emphasis on that. Whatever it is that makes your brand stand out, find that thing and hang your hat on it. If there are trends in your industry that may necessarily change your direction in a few years, find out what they are and plan well for it. Have a plan in place that will take you well into the future and you will always have a clear path to follow.
4. Put yourself out there: give it away
Building strong partnerships requires some generosity on your part. If you’re a new service or product, it’s difficult to build a reputation without some history to back it up. Consider giving your product or service away to an influential company or individual that can give you valuable feedback and endorsements. In a world fueled by ratings and reviews, getting great peer reviews will serve you well and will get you noticed by a wider audience.
Office Suites Strategies
These are just a few steps you can take to building a strong brand. If you would like to learn more about Workspace Strategies or about building your brand, give us a call.