So far my Business Center Best Practice Series has featured tips to better serve the professionals that use workspace industry services. Don’t be misled by the word “Upsell” in the title of this blog. Too often is the term “upsell” used to denote greater expense to customers with minimal value added. This post will focus on “upsell” opportunities that add great value to your customer’s experience and can truly be the difference in that customer’s renewal or departure.
Internet Bandwidth Upsell
I advise the centers I work with to have bandwidth allocation capabilities. When centers are able to allocate bandwidth, that means that they can provide customers faster internet upload and download speeds for an additional fee. I advise my centers to review bandwidth reports on a monthly basis to see which customers might benefit from having the premium speed. It is can sometimes be the case that customers have forgotten that they have the option to upgrade their bandwidth and have grown disappointed with the basic internet speed. When we review the bandwidth reports regularly, we can be proactive about letting the customer know that the upgrading bandwidth can make their internet experience at the center much faster and alleviate any frustration that comes from slower speeds.
Cookies Upsell
Did you know that Otis Spunkenmeir will ship you one of their table top ovens at no cost if you purchase their frozen cookie dough? This is a delicious upgrade to offer your clients for their afternoon meetings. Some of my clients have reported that their customers request cookie trays to take to their off-site meetings. While there isn’t a large amount of income make off selling $25 cookie trays, we find this helps with the “sticky factor” on keeping our clients loyal and happy.
Template Upsell
Do you have customers that aren’t the most tech savvy when it comes to preparing presentation or other sales collateral? Do you also have a staff member that’s particularly adept at Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator, or other similar design software? If the answer to both of these questions is yes, then try running a template sale for your customers. Offer your customers the opportunity to have a custom presentation template designed that is well suited for display or your center’s presentation equipment whether is a mounted flat screen television or projection screen. By running a template sale, your limit the scope of the work provided to something that is easily accomplishable in a few short design hours.
Final Thoughts…
These are just a few of the up-sell opportunities available to business centers. They add value to your center’s services and can be the advantage that keep your customers loyal to centers. I hope you will consider these options when growing your revenue sources at your center. If you’re looking for other ways to make your center more profitable, please contact us.